Kerala Mutta Roast

Kerala Mutta Roast

Kerala Mutta Roast- a simple dish made with simple ingredients but the product is nothing short of mind-blowing. Nihal has been talking about his childhood food experiences (in Kerala) and it reached a point that we had to do this for him. I planned to put up the recipe last week but was caught up with day-to-day chores. It was only after Thouseef pinged me on fb messenger that I decided to not delay it anymore. So, here you go guys!!


  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp Mustard seeds
  • 1 stalk curry leaves
  • 2 big onions (julienne)
  • 3-4 ripe tomatoes
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp chilli powder
  • 1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
  • 3/4 – 1 tsp Everest Chicken Masala
  • Salt to taste
  • Sprinkle of sugar


  • Boil the eggs… need to be hard boiled. Once they are boiled, unshell and set them aside.
  • Poke the eggs with a fork because this will help them adsorb the masala
  • In a vessel, heat some oil; once hot, add the mustard seeds.
  • When they start to splutter, add the curry leaves and saute.
  • Add the onion julienne and sprinkle a little salt- this way the onions caramelise and does not burn.
  • Once the onions are caramelised, add the ginger-garlic paste and cook until the raw aroma disappears.
  • Now add the tomatoes, the spices and let this cook (in low flame) till the oil separates.
  • Sprinkle a little bit sugar and saute.
  • Add the salt and saute.
  • Add 1/4th cup of water and then add the eggs and cook for a bit- more like how you see in the above picture.
  • There you go.. Kerala Mutta Roast is ready!!



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