‘Love for Pancakes’

Woke up to a somewhat heavy head on Day 2 of our visit to Sin City. First on the agenda was to quickly head to Stratosphere and purchase tickets for the famous adult show- Pin-Up. After purchasing the tickets we decided to have some breakfast- the answer was right in front of us.. IHOP– funny thing is, this would be my first visit to an IHOP outlet .


Located less than a 1/4 mile from Hotel Stratosphere, this place was crowded; we went in and put in a request for a table to accommodate 4. A server politely told us the wait would be about 15-20 mins. Meanwhile I got my camera out and was busy clicking pictures of the Stratosphere Tower; on the other hand my wife Herwin was giving me a heads up about what to order at IHOP.

In about 15 min a server came to us and guided us to a table. She then gave us the menu- I was, awestruck.. There were soo many interesting things on the menu. Omelettes, pancakes, waffles, , my oh my.. I was in a dilemma as to what do I order??

There were 4 of us and all of us came to terms about ordering omelettes. Here goes-

 Simple and Fit Vegetable Omelette


    All the omelettes were tender and bursting with flavour.. The steak Omelette was slightly spicy(just the way I like it), with the peppers and the spicy hot sauce.. The spinach-mushroom and the simple-fit omelettes were light on the tummy- extremely flavourful.

After the omelettes, we were not sure if we had the capacity to have dessert but I couldn’t help noticing the Double Blueberry Pancakes…


      This was the first time I had pancakes.. I never knew what they were let alone how they tasted.. I enjoyed it thoroughly, even so, that I started Google-ing for the recipe.. The cream, the blueberry sauce.. Oh my god… Orgasm for my taste buds!!

Ever since this visit, IHOP has been a benchmark for me to review other restaurants which specialized in breakfast food.. My experience was divine.. I wish that IHOP would open outlets across India– I’m pretty confident that it would work wonders.. This is one place you should have on your bucket list if your a food lover!!

IHOP Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


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